Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Recent News

In 2009, Morocco reported a 5.4% economic growth.
In 2009-2008, Morocco made progress with human rights, including women’s rights, though there were allegations of torture in matters of counter-terrorism efforts. Also on this topic, here have been no executions in Morocco since 1993.
Daylight savings begins in Morocco on June 1st, 2009, finishing the schedule earlier than had been planned. Officials say that this will save energy and boost trade.
In response to Morocco’s growing HIV/AIDS problem, the Health Minister said that between 2007 and 2011, he hopes that prevention programs will reach one million people.
In 2009, eight people were arrested. They are suspected of being part of a radical Islamic group, Salafia Jihad, and were accused of planning attacks. There are no details on the acts these men were supposedly going to commit.

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